Virus Threatens U.S. Pork Industry
Virus Threatens U.S. Pork Industry A virus is infecting pigs in the United States and causing significant health issues, including death. The Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv) has sickened more than 3,000 pigs since it was first identified in May 2013. The virus is highly contagious and causes diarrhea and vomiting in pigs, often leading to death. Officials with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have been working closely with the pork industry to try to halt the spread of the virus. So far, they have been unsuccessful, and the virus continues to spread. One major concern is that PEDv could potentially spread to hog farms elsewhere in the world, including Europe and Asia. This could cause a serious shortage of pork and increased prices for this popular meat product. The USDA has announced that it will begin testing all incoming shipments of swine from other countries for the presence of PEDv. They are also urging hog farmers and veterinarians to report any ca...